Friday, June 29, 2007


bb: i'm sorry
r: for what? you didn't do anything
bb: i'm sorry he broke your heart
r: i know it was all a lie but he was the only one who made me i feel i wasn't creepy. and don't you tell me i'm not creepy
bb: okay. you're way creepy. but that doesn't mean you have to stay locked in your room. you think you're alone. but you're not.

i think i've posted this conversation before. but i'm doing it again. i don't know why. we always fail to see that all that we need is right in front of us. we neglect the people and the things that have always been around. we take them for granted. but when life deals you a heavy blow, those are the things you'll find yourself falling back on.

damn. i cant find my eraser.

Thursday, June 28, 2007



Tuesday, June 26, 2007


while you're running, always remember to look inside you. ask yourself the big questions. so that when you do something, you wont end up regretting it. it seems people aren't doing that alot these days. pity. it may have changed their lives a whole lot.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


somehow or another, every where i go, including internet forums, i always end up sounding stupid. hmmm. must be something i said.

rapidshare is shit. period. unfortunately, it is essential in my quest.

bb x rae is canon! omgomgomg xoxoxoxoxoxo. hurrah for wikipedia for helping clear things up.

and yes, goodluck everybody whoever is taking econs tomorrow. hmmm. sleep well and dont be late.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


apocalypse is coming! as in not the end of the world, but games workshop yearly event and international campaign. 3000+ points mega battles a ton of new rules, lots of rumours and a whole bunch of new models. boy am i glad i don't have an ig army. if not i'd be really tempted to buy the new baneblade plastic kit.

as usual, not many new things for the daemonhunters. fine. i had to pick a specialost army. there was this thing about a new land raider variant called terminus with four sets of twin linked lascannons as opposed to the usual two. probably a titan killer. something that my small 2000 something point army has no room for. although, it is rather tempting. *drools. a big brother for my current normal land raider.

crap. its all during october. but i can hazard a guess that by the time the models actually reach singapore, a levels might be over. cross fingers. damn. this year's event seems to be something worth looking forward to.

although, i might have to further expand my army to get it over 3000+ points. sob sob. that means i have to part with more $$$. and i'm in the middle of a minor project now. completely unrelated. after cts i'll have to go down to popular and buy some fine tipped markers to draw on lego heads. haha. for my "secret" project. damn i am such a fanboy.

*grins eagerly in anticipation for the day the "secret" project is finally completed.

unfortunately, the "secret" project would require more $$$. plus i owe fk $25 and aaron $25. i can pay all that easy. just that after i do, not much left. hmm. does the class treasury still owe me money? i think it does. but i gotta check with plan first. hmmm.

Friday, June 22, 2007

watch and listen

people should start watching cartoons and try and figure out what they're trying to teach you. damn you kids central for trying to make the prime time slot filled with alot of rubbish programs. but who cares. i don't watch kids central.

i watch cartoon network. bwahahaha. and nickelodeon. i realised, nickelodeon's merchandising sucks. but are kind in dvd releases for successful series. cartoon network on the other hand have god like merchandising but really sucky in terms or releasing dvd's and all that. not like i'll buy any. the dvd recorder with hard disc is a godlike invention. praise the person who created it.

what i mean by merchandising, is action figures, blah blah blah and so on and so forth. right now, i want an XLR8 figure from ben 10. that like one of my favourite aliens that ben can transform into. maybe i'll draw him. there has to be some place in singapore where i can buy stuff like that. man, i remember the trouble i had to go through to get bb and rae.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

tumble and fall

All this for nothing
Yeah yeah yeah
Praying and hoping, fooling yourself ...
You know that you can
Give love a reason
Give love a chance

We tumble and fall
Together we crawl
Forever will be
Tumble and fall

Heaven's above us
Yeah yeah yeah
Living in solice, I'd give you it all ...
Just for a day, just for a second
Just for the way ...

We tumble and fall
Together we crawl
Forever will be
Tumble and fall

Life's not the same
Since that day you went away
I recall, like the drops of summer rain
That fell on me
Come back to me
Come back to me

Yeah yeah yeah (x3)

We tumble and fall
Together we crawl
Forever will be
Tumble and fall
Together we crawl
Forever will be
Tumble and fall

Yeah yeah yeah (x6)

Monday, June 18, 2007


one of the good things about being blind is that i don't have to worry about appearances. i don't care how i look like. i'm not looking for anyone's approval. i know who i am.


Saturday, June 16, 2007


omg. i love deviantART. someday, i'll open my own account and scan all my drawings. then, one day, i'll buy a tablet pc and start doing digital art. *drools.

4chan is cool too. although, there is alot of objectionable material. if you are prepared to endure all that, you'll be well rewarded. you have to search smartly.

haha. getting a new hobby is cool. helps pass the time. my new hobby is nice. makes me inspired. anyway, fan contributions really add an additional dimension to a tv show or series. gotta love all the fan art and comics on deviantART. especially those raexbb comics. damn sweet.

anyway, nice way to end it off. X. however, its only nice if you don't look at the bigger picture. quite embarrassing. is this the end? maybe. but there's always a chance i'll come back.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


if i had my way, i'd make everything white. so pristine, so pretty, so perfect.
alas, it will not be.

hey! perfection has come to live messenger! zomg!!!1!11!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007


they may have the best weapons. all those rocket launchers, automatic rifles, shotguns, gravity guns. but all you need is a grenade, some good timing, a little bit of intelligence. and POOF!

you get dead people.

some people never learn. its not about how flashy your guns are but how well you use them.

Saturday, June 09, 2007


i like radish. i think they're the nicest vegetables ever. i could eat them all day you know. not uncooked of course

anyway, its not about planning carefully and doing what you planned to do. its about doing it, and then, taking responsibility for your actions, accepting the consequences as they come along and not trying to run away from them or create excuses to avoid confronting them. thats what really matters.

anyway, why should i care? its not my life that's being ruined.

Friday, June 08, 2007


today a moderator at an online forum warned me for one of my posts. said tt my post was derailing the topic. i thought i was relevant you see. oh well. what to do? cant fight the moderator can i? if not get banned. lol. whatever

Thursday, June 07, 2007

there comes a point in time where obsession takes over.


GAHHH! wheres my binomial notes?!?!? where's my DNA and Genomics notes?!?!?!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


haiz. so sianzz.
waiting time sucks. i dont want to wait any longer. but what to do?

Monday, June 04, 2007


tomorrow, the library awaits me. hopefully, it shall be productive. away from the very tempting pillows at home. hmmm. but i think i need a new mattress though.
sianz. temptations. could very well do without them. but without them, life got no kick. when you resist them, and when you let yourself drown in them. each time got a sense of accomplishment. unfortunately this time, is more resisting than drowning. ugh. not always nice.

sore throat cured. (: thanks to the friendly neighbourhood doc.
god i love firefox. what would i do without the spellcheck thats like indicating (with those squiggly red lines?) all the many many typos i'm making thanks to the highly drowsiness inducing medicine the doc gave me. shit. but those are damn effective. but sleeeeepy. hmmm.

wonder why firefox is considered a typo. or wait. maybe its blogger doing the spellcheck. ugh. economics.


at least at the library, i can find at least one of a few books i've been wanting to read for a very long time. i even wrote down the authors and book titles on a postit and stuck it onto my wallet so that i'll never forget. inside my wallet. dont forget. if not i'll fall off and stick onto my pants or something.

ahh. libraries rock. so quiet. like how it is at home right now. hopefully, wont have naughty kids running around tomorrow.

Sunday, June 03, 2007


i very lazy. lazy until when i'm done with the com for the day, i control alt del and end process firefox so that the next day they'll just ask me if i want to restore previous session. hurrah for firefox and their cool feature.

there are two types of people in the world. one type looks at their old yearbook from many years ago and cringe at the sight of how you looked a long time ago. the second type looks at it and says hey, "that was me!"

sherlock says that there is a third type. it seems logical.
i assume its applicable to both male and female peoples.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

shiverr me timberrrrs!